Let’s try something today.. Do you know how to get IT done? If you do, let’s go all out today! ….Lets focus today!!….…..Today!! Receive your daily bread & make today the day you grind harder than anyone in your circle….…..Make today the day you come up harder and faster than anyone around you … Make that difference that is required today!!… Leave it all on life’s playground today!! ….Do what he/she is scared to do today….You know that thing that you wish you could say (or do), knowing that it will change everything for the good? Rise & do it today!!! …..Go at it today like you have no other option but to do all that is required for success, or face the consequences!!! Work at it today like there is no tomorrow for you!!! This is your last moment.. Don’t come up for air until it is finished!!! Make it happen!!! You have the tools to accomplish all that you can; WITH FLAIR today!!!...Can you do that today?...... Can you crush it?...Today? If the answer is yes, then tomorrow……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Read this again!!