Do unto others

So….I told my niece Solee (12) to take her cousin Shani (9) with her to walk the dog this morning …. While I’m on the way out the door 10min later, I see Solee (12) about 100yards away from Shani (9) walking by herself …Peanut ( our medium sized dog) is walking Shani, (get it? Walking Shani) I could not let that go… After reprimanding her for not looking out for her cousin, I proceeded to tell her that family always looks out for each other no matter what…, Solee , amongst other children like her , only likes walking the dog if she has friends outside that she can hang out with..But if she is asked to walk the dog 10am on a Saturday morning, not so much…. Needless to say that she was not feeling the walk that she was assigned to do ……So the attitude was there……. Regardless of how you may feel about life and how hard things are sometimes, someone is always doing worse than you in the background….Just as simple as some child may be begging for a dog that the parents would love to get for the child but can’t afford the maintenance…(The list for a particular need goes on and on) Solee has had a hard time with life herself … Her mother passed away at 3yrs of age…5-6 later, she lost physical contact with her father because of legal issues as well… She knows about being alone…. Although she is a survivor, and doing better as far as coping, being alone is not something she enjoys…. Just like us all, we want to be loved, cared for, noticed, secured…. I told her the next time she feels like her loved ones get on her nerves, and don’t want to be around them, remember what being alone feels like…. Don’t take your blessings for granted ….If you want to feel supported…encouraged …. Then give to someone else ….support them…encourage them… make them feel like they are not alone …but how can you have, without seed being planted?…. It doesn’t work that way….You have to sew ….sew, nourish, cherish…then you will receive abundance in return. This is the law of attraction … More importantly; this is a biblical principal that we can all learn from if we practice! BTW Shani didn’t have to go, …..she wanted to……. Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.